07 January 2009

Still too lazy to come up with a title

So, never really went for a walk. I went to sleep instead. Woke up at around 7 PM (see, I use the 12 h system so you won't have to figure out what time 19 is!) and I've done nothing since. Talked with J a bit I guess. Study tomorrow. And I took some pictures as well, of which none turned out very good. Realised I need to lose weight if I'm gonna get the body I want to have. Isn't that a boost for my self estem? :)

I'll give you one picture though, of me, for like, uh, first time. It's only slightly edited :O

Now homework awaits. Or sleep. Decided to try not sitting in front of my computer and do nothing anymore.

I still want popcorn!


  1. it didnt need editing!
    you're too prettyfull for editing.


  2. Am not. And it's more fun to edit a little ;)
