20 January 2009

New semester and being happy

New semester, new classes, new everything. I think it'll be good, I feel good. I even remembered some of the math from like atleast a year ago! And we got our final marks from last semester as well, didn't do too bad, I have to say. Highest mark was 96% in Drafting 10, lowest was 73 in Math A30. In between there it was 95% in Art 20, 84% in English B30, and 83% in Physics 12. Average is just above 86%, not bad at all :)

Also got to know how I did on the final in English, and the result was way better than I dared hope for. 86.4%! What made me even happier was that the teacher told me he really liked my essay, and my ideas on the subject. That, if anything, made my day. There are few things that can compete with someone acctually reading or listening to something you have to say, and then thinking about it and appreciating it.

The point of the essay (which was about a theme from Lord of the Flies) was that civilizations, or countries if you like, are like humans. They go through different stages of life, starting out as a kid, moving on to be a teenager, to finally become and adult. And all of these stages are neccisary, and trying to skip one of the stages can have devastating consequences, as shows in the book, where the boys tries to go from being kids to being adults. Unfortunaley, they are rescued before they get through the teenage-stage, so what their civilization would've been like we can't know, but it might've been working out eventually. To connect with the world today, I'd say USA for an example is a teenager, maybe starting to grow more mature now. Sweden, for an other example, is an adult. I can sit in Sweden and think USA is doing the most stupid thing ever, but if I'd tell USA I think so, would it listen? No. Does a teenager listen to its parents warning it about this and that? Usually, no. But the parents are there, atleast should be there, when the teenager is heartbroken and what not. Even though it didn't listen to them, they're there. And the teenager grows more adult with it. Everybody makes mistakes, everybody makes their own revolution. So does civilizations. (I managed to write around 5 pages on the subject, this is only a short summary)

Had a nice talk with a lot of people tonight, D, V, R, J... Today is a nice day :) I'm almost done with my homework (just finished up the biology, some crossword, Wikipedia helps lots), and only got some English left to read and questions to answer. Then sleep. Didn't sleep good at all last night, when I finally fell asleep I woke up with around an hour in between. That much for sleeping good after working out. Or maybe I'm just not used to going to sleep before midnight?

Was dress-like-a-rockstar-day today (yesterday), and because I'm such an ego, I'm gonna post a picture of me wearing the stuff. Becuase I felt good today, and still feel good.

Sweet dreams.


  1. Rockstar Indeed.
    You look awesome

    Glad you had a good day.


  2. cutesy outfit =)

    always nice when someone reads and appreciate your work
