17 December 2008

To sleep, or not to sleep?

It's 5 in the morning, I can't sleep. Shouldn't be too suprised about that, considering I slept for 20 hours last night, aka, I came home from school, went to sleep, woke up around midnight, went back to sleep, woke up at 8 in the morning, called in sick, slept 'til noon-ish. Now I can't fall asleep, I'm just laying here shifting positions in my bed.

Apparently there was an earthquake back home yesterday, the strongest in over a hundred years. Some people slept right through it, other people just can't realise those people just could sleep through it. No-one died, atleast that's a good thing. And according to my sister, both of my aquariums survived :)

Got a lot of mails today. One from a friend back home, with a christmasgift, made my day :) And during the evening I got a mail from my dad, he asked me what stuff there's to see here in Canada, if one were to come and visit, made my evening :) And then just some hours ago I got a mail from my mom, saying that me and my sister are allowed to have a hedgehog, made my night :D

Ofcourse I should've done way more homework than I did, but for once I acctually did some. Go me! Gonna talk with Mr. B (not Bean...), my english and art teacher, and ask him if I can hand in the Hamlet assignment after the holdays, 'cause there's no way in h*random amount of stars* I'll be done with it before friday, considering I havn't started yet. I've got all the ideas, I've got them down on paper and in my head, but I just can't put it together. And I've got an art assignment, too, to finish before friday. And a physics exam. Great. Part of the reason for skipping school today (yesterday) was because I didn't do any studying for the exam, since I was asleep.

The stupid lime green line is back on my monitor, I f*****g hate that thing. It's there, and then it's not there. And now it's back again. Very annoying. Guess I'll do as last time, hope it's gone next time I start the laptop. One might be lucky ^_^

Now I'm starting to yawn, might be able to get an hour and a half of sleep anyways? :O

Good morning.

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