08 May 2009


Bad mood strikes again. Antisocial and stuff. An advise is to just stay away from me for now. Until... Later...

Stressed out from all different kinds of things. Didn't really get any rest last weekend, too much that happened. In school we just get more and more assignments that are pileing up, and the finals are only around a month away. Then there's grad In the middle of this I'm trying to breathe, and enjoy my stay and just live. I've come to realise I have to not do some things that I want to. I need to study, and try to get some sleep at night, not come home 3 AM on weekdays, etc etc.

There are all kinds of thoughts swirling around in my head, some are good and motivationa, some are bad and just makes me want to go into hibernation (Hey, it's snow out still, I could do that?)... What I really need is a weekend of doing nothing. Just staying home. If anyone wants to see me, they can come here. I'm not leaving the house. Just decided that. People in my surroundings will have to live with it. Now I just have to survive tomorrow, friday.

Cards today went straight to hell, by the way. Too many people, not enough oxygen, and just standing around. I have no trouble walking around or sitting down. But standing, I just can't do it, I feel as if about to faint and slowly the panic sneaks up from behind and hits me. Then I sit down on the floor trying to breahte and people come up to me and ask what's wrong. As if I know, as if it doesn't put more stress on me having to try to figure out an answer. Lately I've found it's easier just to sit there, staring blankly, telling them just to leave you alone.

Now, homework. Something I haven't done in weeks. My explication of In an old barn is a month late. Only to mention one assignment.

By the way, is the way I write things in... boring? I feel boring >.<


  1. allt blir snart bättre, och jag vågar nästan lova att det blir många och långa promenader. en del te och kortspel.

    klart att det är mycket just nu, jag är förvånad att det inte kom tidigare. borde nästan skämmas för det här.. men inte som att jag inte sett detta tidigare, alldeles förmycket skolarbete och folk som inte förstår att man behöver tid för sig själv. man behöver kliva av karuselen som heter press och skolavslutning.

    men sen när man försöker ta det lungt, då rusar tankarna med allt det man inte hade tid med när man var uppe i skolan..

    men jag lovar att det blir bättre.
    ta hand om dig, det är viktigt att du gör det. allt annat spelar inte så stor roll som alla inbillar sig själv och dem de har runtomkring sig. jag borde vara online oftare jag vet. ska försöka bli bättre på det.

    ill make you a deal.
    om du lovar att ta hand om dig så gör jag våfflor till dig när du kommer hem.

  2. ... men jag tycker inte om våfflor... :(

  3. men då gör jag ngt annat som du tycker om.
