05 May 2009


I've got a headache since sunday evening, it just refuses to go away. As usual. Guess that's the result of a stressful weekend? And me who thought weekends were for relaxing... From now on maybe I shouldn't do anything on weekends? Just stay at home, be boring, be bored? But I don't want to live like that, I want to do things, I want to feel alive.

I'm lacking any motivation what so ever to do anything that's got to do with homework. My explication for "In An Old Barn" is almost a month late by now, and I couldn't care less. I need write one more paragraph, at most, on my energy essay for Wildlife Management, and find some sources for what I'm acctually saying there. Most of those sources are laying in books and papers I've got withing an arms reach from me. I just lack the motivation. Why? Why? I just can't force myself to do it.

Sure, I'm homesick. Sure, my mind has been occupied and overloaded this weekend, for understandable reasons. But why can't I just find that motivation I know is hiding somewhere? I stayed home tonight, to do homework. But I did no homework. And now I'm getting paranoid over the fact I can't get a hold of my baby. (he's gonna have a bunch of desperate texts when he checks his cell)

Please, I just want to... be normal?


  1. i got a map from you once, it might help..
    it did for me.

    hoppas att det blir bättre snart. och att vi pratar snart igen. ska vara bättre på att vara online.

  2. I sure could use a map right now :)

    Online är bra, nattpromenad är ännu bättre. 1½ månad, lite drygt, och sedan smäller det...
