20 May 2009


So. Well.

I'm sitting here doing (atleast trying to do) homework. Which I'll illustrate with a photo.

Don't get the wrong idea now, I'm not only taking photos; in the last couple of... many... hours I've acctually gotten some math done! Test tomorrow? What? Never heard of that :)

Spent some hour of today with editing some old(er) photos, which for once can be considered school work! In design right now we're making design essays, and we are not allowed to use words. We are supposed to illustrate one of the principles of design, one way or another, and I chose contrast by using the camera and a photo-editing program (Gimp). So I'm gonna upload a ridiculous (ridonculous?) amount of edited pictures, all trying to illustrate contrast. YAY!

Dice. Attempt to illustrate the contrast that occurs with change of focus.

Kitties! Black/white. The given contrast.

The flower may be plastic, but the contrast between flower/cobweb/dust?

Pretty flower making a contrast against the sunset...

Land of the Living Skies.



Me, in the sunshine...?

Contrast on more than one level, is it?


Anthony. Pretty smiley. Moon.

Sun. And pretty colours.

Greyscale in colours turned gray.

Flower. And snow. In May.


Bald eagle. Me happy :)

D20. Tom's.

Back on track? I wish I were...

Any comment/criticsism is welcome. Please? :)


  1. I like 'em

    Specially pepsi+ apple
    But for 'Greyscale in colours turned gray.'

    That dude has some HAIRY arms



  2. Those arms are sweet your just jealous. :P
