Wrote my physics departemental yesterday, it was too easy. Funnies part though was all the paperwork we had to go through before we could write it. Sign your name here, write that number there, read this... Then we come to the paper with the "rules", apparently you had to be able to prove your identity (we are 4 students in the class, and 200 at the school, our principal knows all of us), and prove that you've been a permanent resident of Saskatchewan for 6 months. I've been here for 5 months and some days. So I wasn't really allowed to write it. But the principal told me to do so anyways. Yay for breaking rules! :D
Other school-related stuff, apparently my drafting-teacher wants me and J (one of them) to go to Skills Canada (I got a 96% in it, so I guess I'm good at it) together, we work really good together even though we only talk and do no work, the work does itself kinda I guess :S Anways, that makes me happy, yet another thing I'll be able to add to my list of merites ^_^

Had a slight breakdown yesterday, and I feel a little bad for J (the other one) who had to take it, but he did good and got me in a better mood, and I appreciate that he took the time to do so. Don't think he's reading this, but one can never know.
Math. Biology. Cookies.
(8) C is for cookie... :)