The guy in question is Jiang Tingxi, not that anyone will have a clue what so ever who that is.
Sitting in the kitchen doing, atleast trying to do, homework. It's not going too bad, since I've written half a page, drawn one picture, and found a picture of a quarry close to home on google, in an hour or two. But then I've also de-decorated the christmastree and stuff, so I guess I have my reasons for being slow. Gonna need to go to the library tomorrow and find some sources there, that agrees with what I've found on the internet. Using only Wikipedia as a source is not good. I'll have to add some from National Gallery in London and stuff. Feeling a little bad for my teacher, since some of the sources are gonna be in Swedish, but he'll just have to live with it and trust me.
J came home last night, after being gone all christmas, it's gonna be nice to see him again on monday. Had a long talk with him in the early hours, and it feels good to know that he'll be there even if I hurt someone, because I have to. That's what I'm most afraid of, hurting one friend and by doing so losing my other friends. I need them.
Over to what annoys me today. People logging off just like that without a word. I mean sure I know his internet is fu*ked up disconnects all the time, but when I can acctually see the person logging off? (aka, running around in the room, and then leaning over the computer for a few seconds and then being offline and not coming online again) Guess I'm too easily annoyed and hurt and stuff, but still. We'll see what'll come out of this, I have no clue.
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