Another night of not sleeping, got stuck playing Civilization IV and drawing. Finally finished my pamphlet about locally produced food for Wildlife Management, it's still uploading to my digital locker. Becuase the school can't allow students to use Hotmail or
anything like that while at school, so all those sites are blocked, so you can't really mail it to yourself. Which wouldn't matter unless it was for the small detail that the digital locker has a stupid apropiate-system, "oh no, she tried to upload something that contained the name yo
shitaka, I need to notify the person responsible for the internet!" Seriously? I'm suprised each time I manage to upload something at all, since the system is a little too sensitive.
Anyways, I'm gonna get dressed and put on some makeup, and then run off to school to print the thing. And to confront J, it seems as if
everything I do or say or think or want is the wrong thing. Everything that makes me
me is wrong? Great.
But, atleast I'm good at drawing. Unless I'm doing that wrong as well?

Creds if you can name all of them.
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