Spent the night doing alot of nothing, no big suprise there. I also spent a ridiculous small amount of time working on what I was supposed to do, my Art History Portfolio. I'm now done with writing about Leonardo da Vinci, and Yoshitaka Amano. 8 more artists to go, I've got the information about them already, I just need to put it into my own words. And there's still the thing with not having Wikipedia as your only source of information. Figured out the Vitruvian Man-drawing reminds me of an ex-bf of mine. A nice guy, doesn't really have anything to hold against him. It just wasn't working, and he's still my friend (as are his two younger sisters, who are both older than I am...). Some may react to the age difference, but hey, why? :p
Back to talking about the art assignment... We're also supposed to choose a drawing/painting/sculpture/anything of the artist, to write our own thoughts about. For Leonardo da Vinci I chose the Vitruvian Man, but I'm not quite sure if my own reflections about it are good enough?

The Vitruvian Man, thanks to Wikipedia for letting me pirate the picture :)
"This small drawing, together with Mona Lisa and the Last Supper, is probably one of Leonardo’s most famous works. As so many of his other paintings and drawings, it’s all about proportions. Here I could start talking about Leonardo and his use of the Golden Ratio, but I won’t, considering it would take up way too much space.
To me, this picture reminds me of a friend of mine. Not only does the man’s hair look like my friends before he cut it off, but my friend also used to wear a yellow t-shirt with the print of the Vitruvian Man. As time went by this t-shit became a little too worn out, and was put away as one of them shirts you’re allowed to bring forth once a year and have a quick look at.
Other than that I don’t really know what to say about this drawing, I can’t say anything else that hasn’t already been said numerous times."
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